Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Article Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Article Analysis - Essay Example Likewise, the author proceeded with the discourse by expounding on accountability in organizations and emphasizing that it starts on the very top of the hierarchy. Building a framework of accountability was disclosed to require knowing one’s people well and encouraging open communication. Finally, Morris cited author and business thought-leader John Spence’s guidelines and principles for accountability in organization where a culture of accountability must be established to maximize the organization’s full potentials. Conclusions: Morris concluded that there is a need to upgrade the potentials of the organization’s human resources to maximize their strengths and facilitate the achievement of organizational goals. Through the enforcement of cultural norms and harnessing the competencies of people, accountability would be improved. As noted, â€Å"just like people, admired organizations are those that keep their promises- promises to customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders† (Morris, 2012, p. 73). Analysis: The article’s strength lies in the manner by which the author effectively structured his line of thinking and relayed the message intended for the audience. By using simple and straightforward language, Morris was able to assist in enhancing the understanding of readers from various backgrounds regarding the topic of accountability. Likewise, he supported his arguments through citing other review of related literatures and from works of people known to have established credibility on the topic being discussed. In addition, his credibility as a coach, mentor and as president and chief executive officer of an organization, assisted in providing viable arguments based on personal and professional experiences. However, one of the weaknesses noted was the failure to clearly list the authoritative references at the end of the discourse to determine their applicability from the date their respective literary works were published. Also,

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Statistics Assignment Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Assignment - Statistics Project Example But this is violated. So only the unspecified data is not included. Since the Chi square observed value is greater than the expected value with probability of significance 0.000, we reject our null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis and conclude that the location of melanoma sites is dependent on gender. The linear relationship is not significant since the F value in the ANOVA table shows that the probability of significance is 0.441>0.05 and the F value is less than 1. This is the clear evidence to show that the predictive linear relationship between the two variables at 5% significance level is not a predictive linear relationship. More over the t statistic value for the regression coefficient is 0.81 with probability of significance 0.441 which is also another parallel evidence. Since it is one tailed and the average Post BST is significantly higher than the average Pre BST, we observe that there is a highly significant difference (increase) between pre BST and post BST. The post BST shows a significant increase in the mean milk production at 5% level of significance. The Z observed value is 51.5/13.859=3.72., For one tailed test, the critical value of Z at 1% level is 2.33. Since the Z observed value of 3.72 is greater than the Z critical value of 2.33 at 1% level, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the control group’s reaction time is significantly lower than the phone group while driving. The less reaction time the better is the